Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Trinity is not so hard to understand!

The Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is not so hard to understand. I can be a sister, mother, and daughter, and I have a spirit. God can be a Father, Son, and have a Spirit as well. Get it?

1 comment:

Tim Stewart said...

Reminds me of a story I heard about about two English theologians back in the 19th century who were taking a walk together down a country lane. They were talking about how to explain theological doctrine such as the Trinity, and right at that moment a carriage rolled that had three men seated in it. "See there!" one of the theologians said, "there is a fine exemplification of the Trinity!" And the other theologian chuckled and said, "That is no exemplification at all. Instead you should have shown me one man in three carriages!"