Monday, October 20, 2008

?'s for the Editor

Dear editor,
Since Obama wants to raise taxes for oil and other big companies, won't those companies raise prices for we, the 95% people, who would have just gotten a tax cut? Isn't that a recipe for inflation?
Also, do you think all the people that support abortion also support capital punishment?
Alanda Ledbetter

***I sent this to the Statesman; let's see if it gets published. Comments are welcome.


marcie said...

any word back on this? i enjoy reading your blog and i'm glad you are posting!

Alanda said...

It did get published. A gentlemen published a letter that day just after mine that said that businesses who got taxed more would relocate into countries where taxes were less and labor less expensive; I suppose we will see what happens...You write well as well. =) Alanda