Saturday, May 7, 2011

Help for people who need it that won't increase taxes

Do we have students at universities providing services in real case scenarios for people in need- for instance having medical students give exams with teacher supervision to people who have trouble paying medical bills, student architects making blueprints for houses for people whose insurance are shirking their responsibilities, marketing and communication students doing homework by helping non profits who need people with those skills, student lawyers giving free legal advice to people with low incomes who need advice? Basically couldn't teachers in universities and some high school and across all grades give real life homework that could help people and be supervised so they would have a good impact? Let's work smarter and have some real accountability; doing this more could really help and boost people's self worth, and it would likely get them to volunteer more instead of escaping into booze, drugs, television, video games, and more. Let's live it up for real.

This post is partly inspired by watching the trailor below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron Smorynski · Top Commenter
Islam has direct commands to kill. Christianity does not. Islam has direct commands to find & kill Jews, Christianity does not. Islam has direct commands to kill anyone who leaves the faith, Christianity is a choice. Their prophet was a warrior who conquered, pillaged, enslaved, Christ won no wars, owned no riches, and enslaved no man....This comment was made on the link .