Saturday, August 2, 2014

Evil Communications Corrupt Good Manners

1 Corinthians 15:33  "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners."

In the USA with the evil movies, music, and other media, I see the corruption of good manners in young and old alike; I believe that is why more women are refusing husbands and children not disciplined effectively show disrespect.  Some of the men are watching and listening to evil media- thank God not all men are doing this.  Some like to work, travel, and create.  God is the funnest to be in love with and if a man or woman partner is not going to love God, they can be alone or with a person of not so good character.

If children and adults lived life outside of radio, television, and bad programming more, there would be a lot more life, love, money, fun, traveling, focusing on what is good, just, and true, and more good things.

The Best!

PS Reading about AJ Jacobs diving into and literally living the Bible is heartening.  To read the depth of thought and truth he has realized is so awesome and sometimes makes me laugh out loud.  There is hope in Jesus for more amazing families. 

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