Saturday, July 12, 2014

Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost = Kingdom of God

Romans 14:17 - For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

This sounds non threatening and productive. May it be taught and done more. God bless you more. The Best!

PS  Here are insights into understanding the Holy Spirit.

1.  If we had the spirit of Tiger Woods, we would all be great golfers.  When we have the Holy Spirit and use it, we can be excellent disciples of Jesus.  - Central

2.  If the Holy Spirit were Alka Selzer, it would only permeate water if it was unwrapped and then put in the water.  Follow Holy Spirit nudges.

3.  If we do things on our own, it is like blowing up a balloon on our own and then bouncing it to keep it off the ground- getting down.  If we get filled with God, we are like a balloon filled with helium that gets filled and goes up.  When we repent, pray, obey, and read and do the word, we can stay up with His Spirit.

4.  Illustration similar to Holy Spirit walk:  One pastor saw a blind woman with her seeing eye dog.  She had come to a cross walk.  When she stepped toward the car, the dog gently nudged her away from the car.  She got upset, kicked the dog, stepped into the car, started crying, backed up, hugged the dog while crying, and profusely apologized.

5.  Shushing someone and not letting them finish in normal circumstances is rude and hurts.  How often have we done that to the Holy Spirit?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Crusades were before Bibles were translated and distributed to the people

Some people dismiss Christianity because of the Crusades- which were military operations launched by the Roman Catholic Church from the 700's until the 1400's periodically. When the Bibles started getting to people- fully translated in the 1500's because of William Tyndale's sacrifice, people read and realized that the "love of God leads people to repentance" and to Him. If people realized this more I believe they would read the Bible and know Jesus. God bless you.



William Tyndale

Romans 2:4 - Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?