Sunday, November 25, 2007


Finally I'll be on the web in more than an email fashion. There are so many ways to express ourselves (me and whoever is reading this). It's about time I start using the web more.

Well, I hope this blog helps you understand that God loves you lots, He is real, and that Jesus was not crazy. He is legitimate. No one has ever disproved the Bible and archaeological evidence supports it. If you have troubles believing this, take a look at Biblical Archaeological review and then look at other histories and how they correlate with the Bible. If anything absolutely disproved the Bible, the media would have a field day.

Now, some of you may be thinking that the Bible says the earth is 6,000 years old and that does not coincide with the carbon dating. Well I say to you, the Bible says God is the Beginning and the End- the Alpha and Omega. In light of this, the matter He used to create could be timeless, before He invented time- the day and the night. So carbon dating and the age of the earth the Bible supports can coexist.

If you have questions about God, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer. Having a belief in Jesus as Lord and Saviour is essential for living a peaceful, meaningful life. By saying prayers in His name, not only do we incorporate our physical and soul actions, we also ask the Most Powerful Force to act in regards to whatever we are asking Him to accomplish. Invoking God's power through Jesus destroys anything that tries to set itself against Him. We may see an immediate answer or we may not, but in any case big things are happening and though we may not see all the answers because we are not omnipotent, good things are happening.

Some of you want proof. Of course you can see testimonials on many Christian ministries and Christian's websites. If you want unbiased testimonies, I've read articles in various magazines about how sick people who are prayed for are more likely to heal. God's power is at work. I'll say this, two friends immediately come to mind who are not doing drugs- one who was addicted to heroin- anymore. I prayed for them for a while and they both are away from that lifestyle and have productive lives. Both have admitted that they felt God calling them to a better place and are glad that I prayed. Another, my friends daughter has a hole in her heart. It is not fully closed, but is smaller than before. Her daughter -less than two- is an everyday miracle.

Do you want more proof? I dare you to ask Jesus to be real to you. I dare you to ask the Highest High Power to show Himself. I dare you to go to church and look for people who match the description of what we should be like in the Bible and ask what their testimonies are. I dare you to read the Bible and call some of our bluff when we do not act right. Let Jesus be real to you.
Thanks for the time and attention. More will be soon.
These sites show more evidence:


marzish said...

i am so glad you have a blog!! :-)))) You rock!

Alanda said...

Thanks! Glad you found me so quickly. 8) I bet you do as well.