Friday, September 12, 2008

Subsidizing Pride with Taxes: Reasons why Communism and Socialism are Damaging Drains to Societies

I've heard some people defend socialism's healthcare "solutions." Basically it is let the government manage it, with our taxpayer money, which would be increased to 50% at least. "Free" healthcare would burden many with heavy taxes. In some cases we would be subsidizing for people who overeat and smoke. We already have a heavy tobacco tax. If that was managed right, we would have less healthcare issues. Why should we give the government more taxes when they misuse what they already have? Need proof- read a newspaper or check
or google government waste.
There are some people who say many do not receive healthcare because of no insurance. My response is that there are non-profits, churches, and communities who will help pay medical bills. Hospitals have grants from the government to waive some people's medical bills. People ought to seek and find them. Talk to financial aid. Hello!
I believe a part of medical lack of coverage is fear and pride. Some people do not want to ask for help, but I guess if they are "entitled" to it because they live in a country where people pay 50% or more in taxes, they do not mind. When there are resources out there- some of which I help make happen, I do not want to be obligated to pay more to do what is already being done just because some people have laziness, ignorance, and pride blocking their view of how to pay for getting healthy.
We live in a country where some- many- people earn what they get and help each other in communities. The laissez faire- hands off government- (the theory or system of government that upholds the autonomous character of the economic order, believing that government should intervene as little as possible in the direction of economic affairs.- from is a foundation of this country. Let's get the government to help facilitate the organizations and ministries who want to help people who have health issues instead of creating a mismanaged revenue stream that would be another burden to us. There are revenue streams to help people. Lets get them flowing right.
I'll leave it here and address fear in another blog God willing. Lord have mercy.

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