Friday, August 8, 2014

Our voices are like a Shofar...hmmm....

Remember how the battle of Jericho was won?  There were a bunch of people believing God, marching around Jericho, and after I believe 7 times of marching around the city and then blowing tons of rams horns the walls came tumbling down.  Yay!

What if after Jesus our voices are like a ram's horn?  What if like Bartemeaus we shout sometimes to God for righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit?  Oh it makes me want to do that instead of yodel on the side of a mountain.

This insight is inspired by a godly woman who I will name if she gives permission.  Also, another thought, we are supposed to be like children to get to the kingdom of heaven.  If a child shouts within a parent's earshot, how fast does that parent run?

The Best!

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